  • Square Enix
  • Square Enix
  • n/a
  • Strategy
  • 2008-05-12
  • 1
  • WiiWare
  • Everyone

Final Fantasy CC: My Life as a King

3:00pm - 4:00pm = 1 hr

Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VIIPSP -
Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII ReunionPS5 -
Dirge of Cerberus: Final Fantasy VIIPS2 -
Dissidia: Final FantasyPSP -
Final FantasyNES -
Final Fantasy Anniversary EditionPSP -
Final Fantasy AnthologyPS1 -
Final Fantasy CC: My Life as a KingWII -
Final Fantasy ChroniclesPS1 -
Final Fantasy DimensionsIPAD -
Final Fantasy Fables: Chocobos DungeonWII -
Final Fantasy II Pixel RemasterPS4 -
Final Fantasy IIIDS -
Final Fantasy IIISNES -
Final Fantasy IVDS -
Final Fantasy IV AdvanceGBA -
Final Fantasy IXPS1 -
Final Fantasy IX - PS4PS4 -
Final Fantasy Mystic QuestSNES -
Final Fantasy OriginsPS1 -
Final Fantasy Pixel RemasterPS4 -
Final Fantasy TacticsPS1 -
Final Fantasy Tactics A2DS -
Final Fantasy Tactics AdvanceGBA -
Final Fantasy Tactics: TWOTLPSP -
Final Fantasy Type-0 HDPS4 -
Final Fantasy V AdvanceGBA -
Final Fantasy VIIPS4 -
Final Fantasy VIIPS1 -
Final Fantasy VIIPC -
Final Fantasy VII RebirthPS5 -
Final Fantasy VII RemakePS4 -
Final Fantasy VII Remake IntergradePS5 -
Final Fantasy VIIIPC -
Final Fantasy VIIIPS1 -
Final Fantasy VIII RemasteredPS4 -
Final Fantasy XPS2 -
Final Fantasy X HD RemasterPS4 -
Final Fantasy X-2PS2 -
Final Fantasy X-2 HD RemasterPS4 -
Final Fantasy XIPC -
Final Fantasy XIIPS2 -
Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac AgePS4 -
Final Fantasy XIIIPS3 -
Final Fantasy XIII-2PS3 -
Final Fantasy XVPS4 -
Final Fantasy XVIPS5 -
Final Fantasy: Dawn of SoulsGBA -
Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIIIPS3 -
Stranger of Paradise: Final FantasyPS5 -
World of Final FantasyPS4 -

The latest Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles game is one of the first Wii Ware titles. And it happened to come out on my birthday, May 12. So I had to pick it up, luckily I had some Wii points laying around. For how small the game needs to be to be downloaded to the Wii, I was surprised how good it looks. The world isn't the sharpest, but the characters look like they are right off of the Gamecube game. It also plays different from the original one. Instead of an action RPG it's more of a sim type game. You need to rebuild your kingdom to bring people back to it, so you send adventures to fight monsters or get resources. And you get to control how to build your kingdom. And you have to talk to people to find out what will make them happy there. It seems pretty fun from what I've played, but I wonder how much is in there. You can download content for a price, so I'm hoping the main game is all here and maybe you can get more things to build or something. It would be sort of dumb if you can only get so far without buying content since it was a small download. Oh well, I guess I'll have fun playing it until then or I finish my kingdom. Also the story seems fun and it takes place years after the first game. I think it should be cool and can't wait to check out other Wii Ware games.

(2008-06-11 @ 09:37 pm)

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