  • Square Enix
  • Square Enix
  • Nobuo Uematsu
  • RPG
  • 2004-11-29
  • 1
  • Cartridge
  • Teen

Final Fantasy: Dawn of Souls


No playtimes recorded.

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Final FantasyNES -
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Final Fantasy CC: My Life as a KingWII -
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Final Fantasy DimensionsIPAD -
Final Fantasy Fables: Chocobos DungeonWII -
Final Fantasy II Pixel RemasterPS4 -
Final Fantasy IIISNES -
Final Fantasy IIIDS -
Final Fantasy III Pixel RemasterPS4 -
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Final Fantasy IV AdvanceGBA -
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Final Fantasy V Pixel RemasterPS4 -
Final Fantasy VI Pixel RemasterPS4 -
Final Fantasy VIIPC -
Final Fantasy VIIPS4 -
Final Fantasy VIIPS1 -
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Final Fantasy VII RemakePS4 -
Final Fantasy VII Remake IntergradePS5 -
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Final Fantasy VIIIPS1 -
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Final Fantasy X-2PS2 -
Final Fantasy X-2 HD RemasterPS4 -
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Final Fantasy XIIPS2 -
Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac AgePS4 -
Final Fantasy XIIIPS3 -
Final Fantasy XIII-2PS3 -
Final Fantasy XVPS4 -
Final Fantasy XVIPS5 -
Final Fantasy: Dawn of SoulsGBA -
Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIIIPS3 -
Stranger of Paradise: Final FantasyPS5 -
World of Final FantasyPS4 -

Okay you can never have too many great remakes of great games. First they were one nintendo, then remade for PlayStation, and now they're right on my Gamboy. This one seems to be pretty much the same as the PlayStation remake, minus the CG FMVs. The main difference is the new bonus dungeons that add tons of hours of gameplay. This was great to play on my way to the Dear Friends: Music from Final Fantasy concert in Chicago. It helped the hours of travel go by. Plus you can never tell a good story too many times!

UPDATE: Since I had finished FF1 on the way to Chicago, I started FF2 on the way to Colorado for the Global Dance Festival. I put on 9 hours and got super strong people. Another great trip to make the hours fly by on.

(2005-04-04 @ 03:59 am)

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