The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess is the latest game in the series and was released on the Wii and the Gamecube. I'm playing it on the Wii, it was one of the release titles I had preordered. This game is a great looking title, the lighting and water effects really standout and look cool. I have seen this also on the Gamecube and it looks pretty comparable. I think the Wii might be a little sharper in areas, but there isn't a huge difference. Like most things on the Wii, the graphics don't make the difference the game play does. For the most part this game isn't quite as active as other Wii games. You do most you control with the nunchuk and can use the A button to attack. But if you want you can move the remote to slash at enemies. But for the most part, the remote is used as a pointer. For things like the bow and slingshot you just have to use the remote to point and click. I was sort of disappointed that those weapons have no motions. I had seen the game demo movies showing how to play it and they showed you had to do the bow movement to use it. But they must have taken it out of the final thing. Maybe it didn't work right. Anyways it's still fun to play.
Anyways this is really the first Zelda game I've gotten into. I really liked Ocarina of Time and played Wind Waker, but I didn't get into it a ton. Most the others felt too kiddy. But this one has more a mature feel and the story seems darker than the past games. Plus it helps that it's another Wii game to play. I pretty far in the game and so far haven't had to many problems. The game is pretty easy, so far the bosses and puzzles aren't too challenging. But it's still a longer game than I thought it would be.
(2007-01-20 @ 05:36 am)