2:00pm - 2:30pm = .3 hrsNo related games.
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The camera does a good job of following you when you are on the run, and it makes it seem like you are seeing a scene from a movie.
(2008-06-11 @ 09:33 pm)Fun fighting system that makes it seem like the way Bourne fights in the movies. You can do different types of attacks and combos, but the coolest thing is the ability to use your environment to finish a fight. You can sometimes quickly end fights by slamming your enemy into a desk or something sitting in the area.
(2008-06-11 @ 09:33 pm)Probably the worse thing from the demo is that when you are running around at certain times a cut scene will happen that you'll have to hit a random button to continue the game. This in itself isn't too bad, but most of the time it happens fast and is unexpected. And if you miss it or hit the wrong button it's game over. You can resume at a nearby checkpoint but after long load time. You almost have to do each one a couple times and this would be really annoying real fast.
(2008-06-11 @ 09:34 pm)This game looks great when you are doing some sort of constant action. But at times when you are at a standstill the graphics don't seem as sharp as they should be.
(2008-06-11 @ 09:34 pm)When you are standing still and having to fight the camera is a pain to control, especially in an area like the subway where there are trains. It's hard to fight and keep the camera on the track, otherwise you'll get hit by the train.
(2008-06-11 @ 09:33 pm)The fighting is cool, but can be a little sluggish feeling. The gun fighting is sort of tricky unless you hide behind something then you can lean out and easily aim.
(2008-06-11 @ 09:33 pm)