Redsteel was one of the initial titles I picked up with my Wii. i had to check it out right away since it's a first person shooter, and I'm a huge FPS fan. But I really never play them on consoles, with the exception of Halo. I mainly play these games on my PC, just to have the better control and way better graphics than most current consoles. But the Wii looks to be the one console that first person shooters could rock, thanks to the new motion sensor control. First of all this games looks pretty good. It has some good lighting and texture effects and runs real smooth. The Wii does okay with the surround sound, about as good as the Gamecube. The story really isn't anything too special, just your classic save the girl scenario. But the thing that's probably the best of the game is the control.
It's a whole new FPS experience for a console. It's sort of similar to PC keyboard and mouse control. You use the Wii remote to look around and target enemies, and the nunchuk to walk and strafe. This works pretty good once you get used to it just got to remember to keep the remove pointed the right direction. But then the real fun comes with the action. Pretty much you point and click to shoot enemies. You can even lock on and zoom the camera in just by moving the remote toward the TV, and zoom out by moving it back. You can also pick up new guns or reload you gun by moving the nunchuk portion of the controller up or down. You can also use this motion to open doors, operate switches, or push over stuff to hide behind. For the most part this way of playing works pretty good. The controllers are pretty responsive and keep up with your movements. The next type of game play that's fun is the sword fighting. Ever now and then there is a key enemy that you have to sword fight. (You can also sash at close enemies and certain times.) Pretty much you just move the remote in slashing motions to attack the enemy. You can use the buttons to avoid attacks and the nunchuk to deflect them when you have a sword in each hand. This part of the game is my favorite, and it's works pretty good. It's not as free moving as the game previews made it look but it works pretty good. This part is quite as responsive as I would like at times and can get annoying if you try to be too fast. But it's still a unique way of fighting in a game. This game does show a lot of promise and I can see areas that could be improved. But for the first FPS to be played like this it's pretty cool. I could see the Wii becoming the system for first person shooters with control like this. Now I can't wait to play the new Metroid Prime like this, and I hope they improve on what this game has started.
(2006-11-27 @ 02:43 am)