Until recently I really didn't know what RAGE entailed. I played the demo and it
didn't seem that good except for killer graphics. The game is a open world title like Borderlands,
just not as much as an RPG. And there are a lot less missions. But the world is
decent and the graphics are very good. They are almost too good for
the PS3, since the textures pop in every time the camera moves. The game play works
pretty good since this is an FPS and there are lots of weapons. There are also
vehicles with a lot of side races you can do. Also this has a pretty good sci-fi story,
but it seems like there should be more. Maybe there will be a sequel someday. Overall it's a pretty fun game that
probably looks better on a pc. But the PS3 does a good job with it.
(2013-11-19 @ 02:08 am)