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Max PaynePC -Max Payne 2PC -
Max Payne 3PS3 -
His family is dead and he's pissed! Time to take the law into your own hands and kick everyone's @$$! This was one of the most impressive and fun 3rd person action games to come out. It played like a FPS (the control atleast) with lots of bloody action and bullet time! (thank you Matrix!) Out of all the games that have bullet time that I've played, I think the Max Payne games do it the best. Hit the button, everything slows down and you can dodge gunfire and fly through the air shooting in any direction. With a comic book style cutscenes to tell the story this game is definately cool. You gotta love the bullet camera when you shoot someone with the sniper rifle! (the camera follows behind the bullet until it hits its target)
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