  • Atari
  • Namco Bandai Games
  • n/a
  • Fighting
  • 2008-06-10
  • 2
  • Blu-ray
  • Teen

Dragon Ball Z: Burst Limit Demo


No impressions have been posted yet.

Side fighting with lots of DBZ moves. Plus depending on how you fight you can unlock different storyline scenes to go with the battle. This seems like you could see a lot of the story in the game.

(2008-06-11 @ 09:31 pm)

The graphics are very cool. Very sharp almost 3D cell shaded.

(2008-06-11 @ 09:30 pm)

Since this isn't fully 3D like the Wii DBZ games, this could get boring after a while like most fighting games. And most fighting will come down to button mashing.

(2008-06-11 @ 09:31 pm)

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