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  • NovaLogic
  • NovaLogic
  • n/a
  • FPS
  • 2000-11-07
  • Online
  • 1 CD
  • Mature

Delta Force: Land Warrior


Delta Force: Land Warrior is another great FPS for single players or LAN play. It has a lot of missions where you have to be sneaky and stealthy, but there is still enough action to keep it fun. This is a fun change of pace from UT fragging. This is another that I've spent many a hour on kicking butt. My only question with these games is, why can't I pick up people's weapons after they die?? I guess that'd be too easy to get ammo. Plus there weapons must be totally different to use, don't have the training to operate them. They may look the same as mine, but they're way different. (I don't know what I'm talking about :)

(2005-04-30 @ 03:10 pm)

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