10:30am - 11:15am = .45 hrs2013-09-22
6:59pm - 11:59pm = 5 hrs2013-09-21
1:30pm - 2:00pm = .3 hrs2013-03-20
5:45pm - 6:00pm = .15 hrsNo related games.
No related games.
This was a pretty interesting game that I played on my computer through Steam. A modern version of a classic side scrolling platformer. The game looks great and has good detail. There are quite a few levels to play through with fun puzzles and action. This is a little different take on a zombie apocalypse with a pretty good story. There is a lot of good artwork in story line scenes that help bring it alive. The game play is definitely optimized for a Xbox controller, since this was an Xbox Live title. But I didn't have much trouble playing it with me keyboard. Overall it was a fun downloadable game with quite a bit of game play and a cool story. But it is easy to play it through in one sitting
A decent amount of game play with puzzles and action.
(2013-11-19 @ 01:56 am)Interesting zombie side scrolling platformer with a good story.
(2013-11-19 @ 01:56 am)Since it is a Microsoft title, it is only on Xbox and pc.
(2013-11-19 @ 01:57 am)