10:59am - 11:59am = 1 hr2012-02-20
1:00pm - 5:00pm = 4 hrs
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I rented this game on my last day off from work since I heard it was an easy platinum trophy. It was a very easy platinum (number 8), but that about all it had going for it. Trophy wise it was pretty sad, it only had a total of 13 trophies. And there wasn't anything extra to do in the game then just walk through the levels. The story was okay, it had the basic elements of the Terminator Salvation movie: John Conner, future, killer robots. Other than that it didn't follow any story of the movie but it was a big victory against skynet, I guess. Even though skynet's control room looked like a closet with a server rack. The upside is that I played it in a sitting and returned it the next day. I would say this was mildly entertaining at best. This would be a horrible purchase since you can finish it 100% in one sitting, for that there is pretty much no replay value.
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